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This book is not a manual advising women to become geishas, unparalleled lovers, sex workers or perfect wives. Rather, it is a collection of information, ideas, tips, and suggestions to help make women happier, more loved, more respected and unique in the lives of their husbands, boyfriends or lovers. The goal of this work is to enhance a woman’s knowledge to allow them to lead the life of a princess at the side of their beloved. Here are instructions to transform women into beings who are infinitely happier, more independent and self-reliant in their relationships.The most important concept to take away from reading this book is that it can be used as a tool to allow you to be able to fully express your sensuality and femininity. This book, if used properly, could awaken the most fantastic woman that exists within you. She is the one who will be able to irresistibly seduce her desired man, turning him into an obedient, happy and always faithful little puppy on a leash.

It´s a collection of wisdom that is startling in its simplicity. By the end of the book the message becomes clear to me: loving yourself holds the key to loving others and having others love you sharing intimacy and pleasure.

Joyce Sutherland - Montreal - CANADA


Um livro surpreeendente. Quando a gente pensa que já sabe tudo, descobre que realmente ainda havia muita a coisa a aprender sobre os homens e como se relacionar melhor com eles. Parabéns ao autor pelas revelações oferecidas.

Mírian Bertha Alvarez - Rio de Janeiro - BRASIL


When I read about this book I thought, here comes another "50 shades of gray". But I was completely wrong. This isn´t a novel describing bizarre things that a man would like to do with a woman. This book is a genuine guide to enhance sexual pleasure of adults who respect and love each other. Congratulations to the author for the brilliant book. I recommend this book to all women.

Serena  B. Manfred - NEW YORK - USA


I really loved reading this book. There are amazing things regarding men that I couldn´t imagine in a thousand years. I´ve got  a lot of insigths to enhance my sexual and sentimental life.  From now on I know exactly when,  what and how to do to keep my man faithfull and happy. 


Sandra B. Walsch - San Francisco - CALIFORNIA - USA


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